" HAMCALC - PAINLESS MATH CALCULATIONS FOR RADIO AMATEURS " " ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗" " ║ THIS SOFTWARE IS FREE AND IS NOT TO BE SOLD. If you like these programs ║"
" ║ please send a donation to the CANADIAN NATIONAL INSTITUTE for the BLIND ║"
" ║ AMATEUR RADIO PROGRAM (CNIB ARP) c/o the author at the address below. ║" " ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝"
" "
" HAMCALC is being constantly expanded and upgraded. If you would like to " " receive the latest version at any time, please contact the author. "
" ─∙∙∙─ "
" HAMCALC has not been placed on any computer network by the author. Outdated"
" downloaded versions can be replaced by FREE diskettes of the latest version" " by sending U.S.$5 to the author to cover cost of materials and airmail. " " ─∙∙∙─ "
" The ARRL HANDBOOK for RADIO AMATEURS, The ARRL ANTENNA BOOK, QST, and " " other ARRL publications are gratefully acknowledged as the major source " " of electronic reference data for these programs. "
" ─∙∙∙─ "
" Comments, suggestions and ideas for new programs are invited by the author:"